Saturday 25 May 2024

Day 146 - May 25th

 Today we spent the day in London, and mainly in Greenwich.

Lara had tickets for a convention so we travelled to London with her, left her off at the Excel and then went exploring.

From the Excel we walked alongside the water to the IFS Cloud Cable Cars which we travelled on to get to the Greenwich Peninsula. The views from the cable car were spectacular!

London O2

Once at Greenwich we walked to the National Maritime Museum and on the way past the Old Royal Naval College.

It was quite a walk and in hindsight we probably should have got a bus! But, cake and drinks sat outside the café in the sun before going into the museum made it worth while.

From the Museum we walked uphill to the Royal Observatory.

By coincidence we arrived just in time to see the Greenwich Time Ball drop. The red time ball is one of the world's earliest public time signals. Each day at 12,55pm, the time ball rises half way up its mast, At 12.58pm it rises all the way to the top. At 1pm exactly, the ball falls, and provides a signal to anyone who happens to be looking.

Outside the gates we saw the Shepherd Gate Clock which was the first clock to ever show GMT directly to the public. Interestingly the clock has 24 hours on its face rather than the usual 12 so at 12 noon the hour hand is pointing straight down rather than straight up.

From the Royal Observatory the view is amazing. Due to building work it wasn't easy to photograph the view but hopefully these photos of The Queen's House ( a former royal residence) and The Old Royal Navel College with Canary Wharf in the background give an idea.

After pausing to admire the view, we then walked down to the waterside where the Cutty Sark is on display.

After a pit stop for something to eat at the Old Royal Navel College Café we then made our way back to the cable cars and back to the Excel. This time we walked along the Thames Path which seemed a more interesting and direct route.

Canary Wharf

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