We have just spent the Bank Holiday weekend in Norfolk. During our very chilly but very relaxing stay, we visited
Pensthorpe Nature Reserve and Gardens the home of
BBC Springwatch which will start broadcasting from here again at the end of May. We last visited Pensthorpe last October and you can see my photos of that visit
One of these cottages, known as Five Cottages is transformed into the main studio from where Chris Packham, Kate Humble and Martin Hugh-Games present a large part of the shows.

The River Wensum flows through the reserve and is home to lots of wildlife.

There were lots of ducks ...

.... of varying species.
I thought this blue billed duck very strange.
There were geese too.

There were lots of baby bird too - probably not surprising as it's spring. These ducklings were huddled together in the middle of the path! So very cute.

These slightly bigger ducklings were cuddled together in amongst some plants.

Whilst were were having a bite to eat these goslings and there parents were scavenging for what scraps they could find.

At Pensthorpe they have a couple of large walk through aviaries. These European Stilts were in one of the aviaries and were very obliging and posed for some photos.

A sleepy avocet.
A Lapwing.
At Pensthorpe there are also some more exotic birds. These Bald Ibis are peculiar looking birds and this one was very friendly. If you offered it a stick it would take it from your hand and try to preen your fingers.
The Pensthorpe Conservation Centre within the reserve provides a special home for a number of important collections of birds including flamingos....

.... and Cranes

As usual I had to take some photos of the flowers too. Just couldn't resist.