Saturday 28 May 2022

Day 148 - May 28th

Today we drove to Skegness. 

We took a rather blustery walk up the pier ....

There were quite a few padlocks at the very end of the pier which we'd not noticed before.

We visited the boating lake .......

.... The Fairy Dell ....

.... and saw the Clock Tower.

We drove past The Northdale Hotel where we stayed several times when I was a child.

We visited Natureland which is known for rescuing and rehabilitating orphaned and injured seal pups along the Lincolnshire coast.

We saw the adult and baby seals in the outdoor rehabilitation pools.

We watched one of the keepers feeding the seals but the seals were having to complete with the pesky seagulls that kept racing them to catch the fish as they were tossed in the pool.

Natureland doesn't just care for seals. We saw meerkats, alpacas, fish in the aquarium and reptiles in the tropical house.

We also spent time in the Floral Palace where there were beautiful bougainvillea plants, butterflies and birds.

This cute little bird sat on a post close to where I was, and happily posed for me.

Later we took a walk along the seafront stopping for an ice cream.

We were rather surprised whilst eating our ice creams to see a Sinclair C5 drive along the prom.

We ended our day with a meal on the seafront.

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