Sunday 2 June 2024

Day 154 - June 2nd

Today we went on an Orchid Hunt. Last year we made our first visit to the Knocking Hoe Nature Reserve to discover the Orchids growing there and today we made a return visit.

It was a hot sunny day but the walk from Pirton to the Nature Reserve was partially shaded which was very welcome.

Once we arrived at the reserve we stopped to admire the views of the reserve and the surrounding countryside.

Very soon we stumbled across our first orchid closely followed by many, many more.

I've motioned before that Knocking Hoe is one of a very few sites in the UK where the rare Burt-tip Orchids can be found and we weren't disappointed. Although the plants weren't out as far as last year, there were still lots to see.

We also found the elusive Pasque flowers.

After a walk around the site we then headed back to Pirton and ended our morning with a drink in the pub.

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