Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Day 76 - March 17th (St Patricks Day)

"When all at once I saw a crowd, A host of golden daffodils"

I spent an hour or so outisde at lunchtime starting to tidy up the garden. It was actually quite chilly so considering I'm only a fair weather gardener I did well to stay out that long.

In our back garden we have some raised flower beds that seperate the patio from the lawn. This time of year they are filled with daffodils. They flower slightly later than those in the actual garden and at the moment they look beautiful.


Coffeedoff said...

Those are beautiful!

Deb said...

Lovely photo Karen - I am struggling to get a decent photo of daffodils as their heads always seem to be pointing downwards. you have managed it very well.

joanold said...

Lovely photo. I have yet to get my daffy picture.