I took so many photos that again it was hard to choose just one to post, so here's some more .........

The views from the top of the castle over Orford village are stunning.

After visiting the castle we went to Sutton Hoo. I remembered learning about the burial site years ago in school. There wasn't actually a lot to see on the ground - some mounds of earth in a field and unfortunately a group of visitors on a guided tour were sitting on THE mound so there wasn't much chance for decent photos. But the visitors centre had a good exhibition with some of the real artifacts which were discovered as well as replicas of others and a replica of the burial chamber.

After looking at the exhibition, we went for a walk through the wood that's on the Sutton Hoo Estate. For me that was probably my favourite part of the visit to Sutton Hoo because the bluebells were out at their best and they were spectacular. I tried my hardest to get the family to pose for some photos but I think from these next photos you can probably tell that Lara in particular was not going to willingly oblige !

In the end I gave up with posed shots and just took some general photos of the woods (sneakily including the family in one or too without them knowing!)

I love the shot of the back of the people walking along the path. I tried to get one like that today, but failed!
What lovely photos - I am glad that I am not the only one who finds it hard to choose the one for the day. I really liked the ones of your daughter - not smiling for the camera in the blubells! It was nice to get a family shot as well as I expect that does not happen very often.
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