Think of a pub crawl but substitute the word 'pub' with the words 'DIY Centre'! That is what this morning we went on. We went to Homebase ...... then B&Q ...... then Focus DIY ..... and finally Wickes in the hunt for floating shelves to go beside the bed in our new bedroom. All the shelves we saw were either too long or too short, the wrong colour or too expensive. So our outing was fruitless and we still haven't got any shelves ....... grrrrrrr. So until we manage to find what we need I will have to continue using a cardboard box as a bedside table. LOL

A couple of days ago I posted part of a layout I had finished for the Mojo Holder design team. I promised to upload the whole layout when I was able to. As the layout was put on the Mojo Holder blog last night I can now do that. It was a scralift of a layout by Nicole Stark. I used some photos taken at Lynmouth, Devon nearly three years ago and we will be back there again in a few months time.

It is horrible when that happens.
Great LO
Oh dear what a shame - perhaps you could take a photo of the cardboard box!! great photo of B & Q though. What a lovely layout - I liked the photos on it showing a nice family time.
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