Sunday 5 July 2009

Day 186 - July 5th

According to the internet today is an ODD DAY! It's July 5th 2009 (05/07/09) and three consecutive odd numbers make up the date only five times in a century. There will be another one in two years' time on September 7, 2011 (07/09/11), and one on November 9, 2013 (09/11/13) but then it won't happen again for 92 years!

Today Lara joined with Brownies and Rainbows from the district for the District Summer Celebrations. The theme was 'America' (presumably because yesterday was 4th July) so she went dressed in her High School Musical cheer leaders dress up costume. She had a good time ad came home with all sorts of American themed things she had made.


Deb said...

what an interesting piece of useless information!I never knew about the date thing. Lovely photo of Lara.

Coffeedoff said...

I wonder who had the time to work that one out!

Glad Lara enjoyed her day! Great photo of her!