Sunday 2 August 2009

Day 214 - August 2nd

We went to Wrest Park again this afternoon. This is the third time I've posted photos from there so apologies to anyone whose getting bored of seeing them. It is though a truly pretty place and there is so much to photograph.

This first photo is my photo of the day. We walked along the side of the water and then sat for a while near the Chinese bridge.

On the opposite side of the water is the Chinese Temple. I always think this a strange building for a very English garden but apparently in the 18th century Chinese taste was very in vogue.

Nesting on the water were the same Moor Hens we saw back in June but this time there were two young birds too.

Beside The Long Water where last time we saw a family of swans, there were a dozen or so Canadian Geese (plus the odd duck of two) feeding. They weren't at all bothered by us and let me get quite close to take some photos.

These cones on a tree caught my eye. I thought they looked like cupcakes!

There are loads of statues at Wrest Park.

Finally, a photo of part of the house. It looks lovely with the geraniums in front.


Deb said...

I don't mind you posting more Wrest Park photos - it is such a beautiful place. I still want to go and visit it - but at the moment - everyday seems to be booked up in August - I have a weeks holiday in September - will definately try then.

Coffeedoff said...

Another lovely set of photos. I loved the cupcake cones! and the geranium in front of the house was great too!