Wednesday 14 August 2019

Day 226 - August 14th

Whilst at Llanberis earlier in the week, we booked tickets to go on the Snowdon Mountain Railway today. What we didn't know when we booked our tickets was that the weather today wasn't going to be very good! Despite the forecast of rain, we drove to Llanberis for out 4pm train to the top of Snowdon.

It was dry as we stood in the queue for the train...

.... but once on board the train and were on our way up the mountain, it started to rain and the spectacular views we were expecting to see didn't materialise. 😔 

By the time we reached the visitors centre, near the summit, the weather really wasn't good.

Nevertheless we joined others in the walk to the summit.

It was very blustery and very wet. Like having a cold shower! Afterwards we decided to enjoy a welcomed hot drink in the visitors centre before boarding the train back down the mountain.

(Proof of altitude at the visitors centre. Another 54m to the summit)

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